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Previous Quizzes: 2004 NCAA Tournament 2003 NCAA Tournament 2002 NCAA Tournament 2001 NCAA Tournament 2000 NCAA Tournament 1999 NCAA Tournament 1998 NCAA Tournament 1997 NCAA Tournament 1996 NCAA Tournament 1995 NCAA Tournament 1994 NCAA Tournament 1993 NCAA Tournament 1992 NCAA Tournament 1991 NCAA Tournament 1990 NCAA Tournament Super Bowl XXIV Super Bowl XXIII Super Bowl XXII Super Bowl XXI Super Bowl XX Super Bowl XIX Super Bowl XVIII Super Bowl XVII Super Bowl XVI Super Bowl XV Super Bowl XIV Super Bowl XIII Super Bowl XII Super Bowl XI Super Bowl X Super Bowl IX Super Bowl VIII Super Bowl VII Super Bowl VI Super Bowl V Super Bowl IV Super Bowl III Super Bowl II Super Bowl I Peach Bowl Hawaii Bowl Sun Bowl Independence Bowl Holiday Bowl Liberty Bowl Citrus Bowl Gator Bowl Fiesta Bowl Cotton Bowl Sugar Bowl Orange Bowl Rose Bowl Turkmenistan South Korea North Korea Belgium Senegal Monaco Iran Latvia Denmark Greece Daniel Boone Hercules Paul Bunyan Davy Crockett Robin Hood Mozambique Zimbabwe Qatar Iraq Chad Ghana Gabon Cameroon Eritrea Columbia Paraguay Malaysia Tunisia Lebanon Uganda Moldova Sudan New Zealand Pakistan Israel Laos Poland Portugal Nigeria Albania Argentina Bulgaria Italy Jazz, Part 2 Jazz More World Series Facts World Series Facts Columbus Day Nobel Prizes, Part 4 Nobel Prizes, Part 3 Nobel Prizes, Part 2 Nobel Prizes, Part 1 Finland Vocabulary, Part 9 Vocabulary, Part 8 Vocabulary, Part 7 Vocabulary, Part 6 Vocabulary, Part 5 Vocabulary, Part 4 Vocabulary, Part 3 Vocabulary, Part 2 Vocabulary 2004 Academy Awards 2004 Grammy Awards 1994 Grammy Awards 1994 Academy Awards NFL Kickers Dot-com Bubble and Bust MLB Post-Season Records MLB RBI Leaders Colleges of NFL Stars NFL Receivers NFL Running Backs NFL Quarterbacks College Football History Rock & Roll History, Part 10 Rock & Roll History, Part 9 Rock & Roll History, Part 8 Rock & Roll History, Part 7 Rock & Roll History, Part 6 Rock & Roll History, Part 5 Rock & Roll History, Part 4 Rock & Roll History, Part 3 Rock & Roll History, Part 2 Rock & Roll History Rock & Roll Lyrics Mythology Third Basemen Summer Olympics, Part 15 Summer Olympics, Part 14 Summer Olympics, Part 13 Summer Olympics, Part 12 Summer Olympics, Part 11 Summer Olympics, Part 10 Summer Olympics, Part 9 Summer Olympics, Part 8 Summer Olympics, Part 7 Summer Olympics, Part 6 Summer Olympics, Part 5 Summer Olympics, Part 4 Summer Olympics, Part 3 Summer Olympics, Part 2 Summer Olympics, Part 1 Famous Criminals MLB All-Star Game Golf's Opn Championship (British Open) Bread Great MLB Pitchers Asian Capitals Wimbledon Facts 1989 Academy Awards Astronauts Wimbledon 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 Golf's U.S. Open 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 Belmont Stakes 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Opening Day Baseball Records 1983 Francis Scott Key Bridge Milton Friedman 1984 1985 1986 1990 NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament 1989 1988 1987 George Burns Tobacco MLB Stolen Base Leaders, Part 2 MLB Stolen Base Leaders Insects Cheese Dr. Suess Supermodels Beatitudes War of 1812 Emily Dickinson Libya Leonardo DiCaprio Weird Words Baseball Records Lakes of Africa US Presidents More NHL Records More NHL Records NHL Records More NBA Records NBA Records Arizona Los Angeles Dodgers Asian Capitals Daytona 500 Canada State Flowers South Carolina General Motors Paris Bitcoin US Supreme Court London, England Ancient Greeks Castles of Europe Madonna Lamar Jackson Yemen Green Bay Packers Adam Smith Richard M. Nixon Georges Bizet Switzerland Costa Rica New York State Camelot Nepal Gene Hackman Bob Fosse Jesus Christ Fort Knox Michigan Ketchup Colorado Michael Jordan Franklin Delano Roosevelt New Mexico Bolivia Jack Nicholson Chile Jeff Bezos World-Class Golfers Zanzibar Benjamin Franklin Honduras Norman Lear Mauritania Uruguay Notable Playwrights Cambodia Henry Kissinger Minnesota India Morocco Wyoming Pasta Joe Montana James Joyce Las Vegas Utah Texas Virginia Vermont More 20th Century Novelists 20th Century Novelists Wilt Chamberlain Basil Donald Trump Latin Terms in Law Clint Eastwood Even More World Series Records More World Series Records World Series Records World Series The Big Short West Side Story Tea The Godfather Egypt Tennessee Titans Maine Olives Suzanne Somers Spain Coffee 1972 Hawaii Billy Joel Peru Carl Jung Matt Gaetz Singapore Brooks Robinson Benny Goodman Thomas Jefferson Bagels Ducks Syria Australia MLB 20-Win Pitchers Currency American State Capitals Florida Bali Periodic Table of Elements Theodore Roosevelt Rivers of Europe Greatest NFL Running Backs Wall Street Federal Reserve System Fast Times at Ridgemont High Africa Trees New York City More Sports Nicknames Sports Nicknames Frank Sinatra Bill of Rights Indonesia Gold Fight Club BRICS Moldova Joe Biden Renaissance Quentin Tarantino Investing Great Lakes Kazakhstan Finger Lakes Horse Racing More Capital Cities Capital Cities Statue of Liberty State Fairs Gilligan's Island Japan Famous Quotes Electric Vehicles (EVs) MLB 2022
2. Who won the 1999 Nobel Prize for Literature?
3. Which long-running TV show made its debut on January 31, 1999?
4. Also on January 31, 1999, the Denver Broncos won Super Bowl XXXIII, defeating which NFC team, 34-19?
5. There were three no-hitters in the 1999 baseball season, but only one was a perfect game. Who tossed "el perfecto" defeating the Monreal Expos, 6-0, on July 18, 1999?
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