INSIDE: Ben Kohn Hates Bunnies, Part 2 || Jim Rickards on $15,000 Gold ||'s Man of the Year || All New Events Calendar || Jury Duty: Is it Necessary || AI vs. Writers || 10 More Great Novels under 200 Pages || Old School Chicken Cacciatore || John Mauldin on VAT || Tucker Carlson meets Alex Jones || The Great Taking || IdleGuy Sanity Test || Toast of the Town || Guy de Maupassant || Best Jazz of the Year || NFL/College Football Projections || 2023 in Review

1. Cover
2. Prelude
3. Contents
4. Calendar
5. Advice
6. Books
7. Music
8. Films
9. Interviews
10. Opinion: Jury Duty
11. Opinion: AI
12. Joe Biden, Fall Guy?
13. VAT Taxes
14. 2024 Sanity Text
15. Ben Kohn Hates Bunnies, Part 2
16. IdleGuy Man of the Year
17. Food & Drink
18. Accidental Farmer
19. Classic Literature
20. $15,000 Gold
21. The Great Taking
22. Toast of the Town
23. 2023 in Review A-N
24. Sports
25. Money: Retirement? Really?
26. 2023 in Review M-Z
27. What's Next
28. The Back Page
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