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IdleGuy Interviews
The Best from 2023

Rami Khouri on Democracy Now

Khouri, an eminent Middle East journalist, questions the rationality and effectiveness of American and Israeli foreign policy in the region.

Tucker Carlson interviews Alex Jones

Alex Jones has been calling as he's seen it for more than three decades. The man, who has been through it all, including being out in front of of every government psy-op, false flag and lie to the American people. Once considered a kook or tin-hat conspiracy theorist, in this age of delusion, Alex Jones has been right muck more often than not. He's hated by the establishment, which made him the perfect interview subject for Tucker Carlson. This interview was taped in early December after Alex Jones was nearly unanimously voted to be allowed back on X (Twitter).

Elon Musk's BRUTALLY Honest Interview With Tucker Carlson

If there's anybody who gets the attention of just about everybody, it's Elon Musk, and he's unafraid to speak truth to power. One of the richest men in the world, Musk has pioneered electric cars through Tesla, revolutionized and updated the US space program with his compnay, SpaceX, and is on the verge of taking how we connect to the internet to the next level through another innovative company, Starlink, a subsidiary of SpaceX.

Here's a mind-blowing interview conducted by Tucker Carlson, first aired some five months ago.


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