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4. Calendar
The events calendar for January includes some college bowl games, including the National Championship, NFL schedules, key economic events, and a whole new format.

5. IdleGuy Advisors
Heading into 2024, idleGuy Advisors offer some tips on investing, cooking, keeping yourself mentally stable and a few other good ideas.

6. Books
The third installment from 50 classic novels under 200 pages includes works by James Baldwin, Willa Cather, Thomas Pynchon, Franz Kafka, and others.

7. Music
To kick off the new year, we put jazz front and center with works from Brad Mehldau, Tim Garland, Lakecia Benjamin, the Dave Slonaker Big Band, and the Michael Wollny Trio.

8. Films
There wasn't enough time to see any new films, but there are a couple of previews of interest and a guide to finding some off-the-main venues and films.

9. The IdleGuy Interview
Tucker Carlson interviews Alex Jones. Can't beat that, but, we tried, with Tucker interviewing Elon Musk.

10. Opinion: Jury Duty
When you eventually get that letter from your local court system, dread. We took to exploring reasons for and against jury duty and found reasons NOT to submit to coercion and present an excuse letter that actually worked.

11. Opinion: AI
Plenty of talk about the pleasures and pitfalls of AI, but how does it affect people who write for a living?.

12. Joe Biden: Fall Guy?
Purely speculation, but what if the plan isn't about getting Joe Biden elected to a second term?.

13. VAT Taxes
As if Americans aren't already overtaxed enough, John Mauldin thinks maybe we should have a VAT tax on everything to pay down the debt. Really.

14. The 2014 Sanity Test
Who in their right mind. . . you may think you've got it all together, but this test will see if you can prove it.

15. Ben Kohn Hates Bunnies, Part 2
The second in the series examining how CEO of PLBY Group, Ben Kohn, has made a shambles of the House that Hefner Built.

16. 2023 Man of the Year
There were big names and lots of little people, but IdleGuy's 2023 Man of the Year surpassed all expectations with grace and dignity.

17. Food & Drink
Fearless Rick shares his grandfather's receipe for Chicken Cacciatore, complete with secret ingredient.

18. Accidental Farmer
It being winter, maybe it's the right time to talk about compost.

19. Classic Literature
Imagine being trapped in a confessional with your wife on the other side. That's where short story master, Guy du Maupassant arrives.

20. $15,000 Gold
James Rickards goes to great lengths explaining how the gold price will be multiples of what it is today in just a few years. We believe him.

21. The Great Taking
The fascinating book and video that's been making the rounds on the internet the past few months available for viewing and download.

22. Toast of the Town
The unusual assortments of quips and quotes heard around the world and across social media.

23. 2023 in Review
A bit of a different approach to puttng the year in perspective.

24. Sports
Staying up-to-date on all the happenings in college and pro football through January, leading to the NFL's Super Bowl.

25. Money: Retirement. Really?
A look at how people are going to make it on less than a full bank account as they head into those senior years.

26. Year in Review continued
Putting the final wrapper on 2023.

27. What's Next
A preview of the February 2024 issue of IdleGuy.com

28. Back Page
The end is here.

The Small Print

Publisher: (Fearless) Rick Gagliano

Advisors: Rick, Vicky, and M___

Graphics: From Everywhere in the World or there about.

Special Assistant Supreme War Overlord: This is a job vacancy. Qualifications include surliness, smug, condescending attitude, ability to smite foes with bare hands or pole-axe, huge ego, a fondness for ales and gals. Soy Bois, Flamers, and Metro-sexuals need not apply.

TV Guru: We will always remember the orginal Downtown Magazine TV Guru Robert Giles, who passed away some time back. We are certain that Bob is espousing the virtues of 1970s re-runs with St. Peter and the angels.

Photography: Too many to mention, plus Fearless Rick.

Everything Else: Fearless Rick (FR)

Distribution: The Internet

Advertising Sales: We wish.

Dedication: To all the people who doubt me: What Elon said.

Copyright January 2024, all rights reserved.

IdleGuy.com is a fully owned subsidiary of Downtown Magazine Inc. Further information can be found at the websites: idleguy.com and www.dtmagazine.com. All information contained within has been gathered in full compliance with the laws of the United States of America and maybe a few obscure countries in Micronesia. Readers will hold harmless Downtown Magazine, its officers and employees from any damages arising from the perusal and use of this website.

Offices are maintained somewhere in Tennesse. Our phone number is none of your business. Contact can be made via email using the contact form on page 21 of this issue or on the contact pages of the respective websites.

Any association with Playboy magazine is purely unintentional as neither IdleGuy.com nor Downtown Magazine has any business relationship with the current management of PLBY Group or any other owners or managers of same. Since the current management of PLBY Group has shown little interest in publishing a men's magazine, we thought we might give it a whirl and hope you enjoy it.


Per Aspera ad Astra

Happy Holidays!

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