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IdleGuy.com 2023 Man of the Year Vladimir Putin
Russian President checked all the boxes

IdleGuy.com's initial Man of the Year award turned out to be a something of a close call, but in the end, Vladimir Putin, Head of State of the Russian Federation, proved to be the top choice for his patience, perseverance, diplomatic skills, and sound leadership of a nation under siege by the forces of NATO, the United States, United Kingdom, and most of the European Union.

Embroiled in a existential struggle on its Western border, President Putin kept the pressure on the Ukraine military and their allies and backers since the beginning of the Special Military Operation in February, 2022 and throughout the year without once blinking or giving in to temptations to force the issue.

Putin sees Ukraine for what it is, a war of attrition, a proxy war waged by Western allies aimed at Russia itself hidden behind a facade of independence and democracy for Ukraine. There was never any intention to establish "democracy" or freedom in Ukraine. Indeed, the Western alliance between the great powers was more about breaking Russia and Putin's will, to wreck its economy, and to destroy the unity of the Russian people.

Through Putin's inspired leadership, none of that came to pass, and, in fact, Russia grew and prospered through multiple assaults on Crimea, continued aggression in the Donbass, a multitude of sanctions against Russian industries and financial activities, destruction of the Nordstream pipeline, and Western global media hype painting Russia as the ultimate bogey man, intent on ravaging not just his neighbor to the West, but all of Europe and eventually the world. None of the Western media propaganda was true. At year's end, Putin has Russia on the verge of outright victory in Ukraine, stopping the overzealous opposition's "counter-offensive" in its tracks.

Through the bloodshed in Ukraine and at the cost of many lives and Russian resources. Vladimir Putin displayed character and poise not common in the world today. He acted like a leader should: undeterred, measured, astute, worldly, and committed to achieving his goals.

With his country embroiled in a vicious, unnecessary war not of his choosing, Putin kept to his principles and kept his cabinet in close alignment. Nobody, other than the rogue Wagner Group chief, Yevgeny Prigozhin, strayed from the Russian message of continued advancement toward the goals of de-Nazification and de-militarization in Ukraine.

All the while, Putin made strides in commerce and alliances, mainly with Russia as one of the original BRICS nations, strengthening ties to China, India, South Africa, and Brazil through commercial trade and friendly political relations, particularly with China, which has become Russia's natural main trading partner.

While he did not attend the BRICS summit in South Africa in August, Putin made sure his presence was felt by sending his top emissaries to deliver the message of cooperation and advancement of prosperity for all citizens of BRICS nations. Putin also gave tacit approval for expanding the BRICS alliance. On January 1, Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates will become full members of the BRICS. Argentina was offered membership, but, recently-elected president Javier Milei is expected to decline the invitation.

Nonetheless, Putin and the BRICS allies made great progress towards establishment of a trading bloc outside and opposed to US dollar hegemony, trading between partners in their own or common currencies, leaving Western nations to their own devices.

Putin oversees a country the size of which is unrivaled, amounting to roughly eleven percent of the world's land mass. Putin has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999, as prime minister from 1999 to 2000 and from 2008 to 2012, and as president from 2000 to 2008 and since 2012 to the present day. If any one man can be lauded for bringing the Russian Federation into international prominence since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of communism, and the dissolution of the USSR, it is Putin. While 2023 may not have even been his best year in terms of accomplishments, it most certainly was one that took all of his skill and diligence. For that reason alone, to stand against the amassed forces of NATO and the allied West, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is our Man of the Year.

Honorable Mention

Elon Musk made choosing Man of the Year more difficult than necessary.

Even though Putin was the leading Man of the Year candidate though most of the year, wiry, contentious Elon Musk made the choice more difficult, capping off a year of splendid media manipulation and business exploits by telling advertisers intent on boycotting his public forum platform, X (formerly Twitter) to go F--K yourself.

Here's an excellent clip in which we get to hear musk say it not one, not twice, but three times in under a minute-and-a-half. Watch:

While Musk will likely receive an award for "one-liner of the year" or thereabout, his business exploits and brash, outspoken criticism and expose of government-media collusion in the run-up to the 2020 election and the aftermath, while all good, didn't quite measure up to Putin's performance on the international stage.

Taylor Swift might have been in the running hed she been a man, but, alas... or, rather, thank goodness, she's a woman. We offer no apologies to the feminist, leftist, or transgender crowd.


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