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2023 Year in Review A-M
The A, B, C's of 2023

An abecedarian view of 2023 Editor's Note: Yes, it is a real word. IdleGuy.com wishes to extend its never-ending thanks to one John Lesniak, formerly of the NY Law Review, now retired, for making this concept known to us many years ago.

A is for Actors, who struck against the Hollywood studios during the summer. The strike lasted for 118 days. A is also for Auto Workers, who also went on strike at various locales around the country. Both groups won sizable concessions from management. A could also be for Asylum Cities, now overrun with migrants.

B is for Biden, the Border, and Bitcoin. All three can be described in similar terms: huge, gaping hole.

C is for Colorado, where the state's highest court decided (by a 4-3 vote) to banish the Republican front-runner, Donald J. Trump, from being on the primary ballot and essentially eliminating him from contesting the state in the presidential election come November.

D is for Donald J. Trump, aka "The Donald", aka, Mr. President, who may manage to stay out of jail, despite the Democrat party's hands-down best efforts to put him there and keep him off the ballot.

E is for Elon Musk, the firebrand business whirlwind who routinely takes on the establishment, this year managing to piss off just about everybody by buying Twitter, firing 80% of the people who were pretending to work there, and then telling big, corporate advertisers threatening to boycott the platform to "go F- -k yourself."

F is for FTX and Freid, Sam Bankman, to be exact, and his massive Ponzi scheme otherwise known in the business as Fraud. Bankman-Fried's conviction on seven counts of racketeering, fraud, and conspiracy could land him quite a doozy of a sentence. We'll have to wait until March 28 for sentencing, the date set by US District Judge Lewis Kaplan, who also denied Bankman-Freid parole while awaiting sentencing and likely, an eventual appeal.

G is for GAZA, the Gaza Strip, or what's left of it. G is also for Gold, which central banks can't seem to get enough of, and the price of which hit record levels in December.

H is for Handguns which became legal to openly carry in some states, like Tennessee and Alabama, in 2023. Permits-free states now number 28, mostly in the Midwest and South. Oddly enough, even though handguns are responsible for the vast majority of Homicides and shootings in America, Democrats in congress keep trying to enact a ban on rifles and semi-automatic long arms.

I is for Israel, IDF, and Indiscriminate, which is what kind of bombing they are doing on the Gaza Strip, I is also for interest, which has gotten to extreme levels on credit cards and mortgages.

J is for Justice, or the lack of it when it comes to the US Department of, and the treatment of J6 (January 6, 2021) prisoners, Donald Trump and anybody else they don't like.

K is for Kevin McCarthy, the Republican Speaker of the House for a very short term, ended by a revolt from within his own party. K is also for Kelce, Travis, the tight end of the Kansas City Chiefs, who may soon be known as Mr. Swift, not for his blazing speed (he's not fast), but for possibly marrying pop superstar, Taylor Swift.

L is for Lazy Liars in congress and Lizzo, who needs to do some Leg work, like maybe walking to the nearest fast-food takeout place, instead of driving from one to another all day.

continued on page 26


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