2024 Sanity Test
Are you Sure You're Not Nutz?
Really, you're taking a test to see if you're not insane, so what does that imply?
Here's how this test works. You don't have to answer every question. You don't have to answer any questions. You don't have to take the test. There are actual, correct answers (to some questions). You're probably sane if you laugh at a few of the answers, unless you were paid to laugh. Getting the correct answers is not the ultimate goal. You probably should be doing something more productive, but we'll let it slide, this time.
Cheating is allowed and actually encouraged.
Answer as honestly as possible. And that goes for you, too, Mr. Senator.
If you don't like the result, take the quiz over again after you've written the correct answers on a plain sheet of yellow paper, put it into an envelope with a check for $54,000 made out to IdleGuy.com. You can mail it to us at the address found on the back of this page. Go ahead, look on the back of your computer or phone. Our address is there. It's not? You looked? HAHAHAHA.
This is humor/satire. Treat it as such.
Do Not Look Over Here 1. Standing up or on my back? 7. That's not important. 23. The American Dance Troupe on LSD. 2. Something you'd like your wife to try. 3. Elon Musk 0. That's not important. 5. Nikki Halie. 6K. Putin or Trump, 100% 3. That is so based, dude. 0. That's not important.
Hah! You believed us when we said cheating was encouraged. You looked at what you thought were the correct answers, but we fooled you by changing all of them using invisible ink and rearranging them. Best of all, they're all wrong. You lose. LOLOLOLOL. The actual correct answers are on page 38 of the Bhagavad Gita. OK, no, here's the breakdown: If you scored 0, you're probably sane because it means you didn't take this test seriously. If you scored less than zero, you're either a hacker or Mark Zuckerberg, or, oh, they're the same thing. Scores between 10 and 30% mean almost nothing. Nobody is going to care if you got 1, 2, or 3 of these questions right. You're probably sane, but also probably an idiot and quite insecure. If you scored exactly 40%, you're a narcissistic masochist with a passive-aggressive disorder. We checked, and we're sure about this. If you scored exactly 46, 73 or 165, you're a damn liar or you found a way to cheat that we haven't figured out yet, but we will, and we're gonna getcha. Gloria Estefan. I mean, why not? If you socred 50, probably sane, but, there are no guarantees. You are aware that your every movement is being tracked by aliens, right? We din't uze speel chex on this so nevr mnid. A score of 60 indicates that you're very lucky because only a few of these answers make any sense. Your room at the asylum is reserved. If you scored 70%, you're borderline genius and your mother is probably proud that you became a gynecologist. Scores of 80 or 90% indicate you need to get back on your meds.
If you scored 100%, proceed to the redemption booth and pick up your pony. You're completely ku-koo, bananas, off-your-rocker, NUTZ, in all BOLD CAPS. Admit it, you did pay extra attention to the words in BOLD CAPS..
About some of the individual answers: Marilyn vos Savant can actually lay claim to being the smartest woman in the world. After all she was listed in the Guiness Book of World Records as having the highest recorded IQ score in the world. However, if you ansered Lindsay Graham, you're perfectly sane. Saying evrything is "based" is very GenZ, so, if you're over the age of 30, don't do it. Question 3. What? Huh? You're questioning that? When in doubt and especially if you don't live out in the sticks and registered Democrat, Putin did it or it's 100% Trump's fault usually works. BTW: Vladimir Putin is IdleGuy.com's Man of the Year. No foolin'. J6, worth another look.