Available on the internet on December 27 (or earlier), 2023
Unraveling the Ben Kohn / Playboy Disconnect: Part 2 of what appears to be evolving into a mult-part series covering the failure of PLBY Group CEO, Ben Kohn, to keep the Playboy brand relevant and profitable. There's a wealth of public information available, and Fearless Rick digs deeper into SEC filings, business practices and where it's all heading.
NFL Playoffs, Super Bowl, College Football Championship Preview: While the NFL regular season is extended into the first week of January, that's not going to stop vigilant idleguy editors from getting the nitty and the gritty on teams already in and those that should make the playoffs. With the idleguy Calendar updating regularly, the January issue promises to keep abreast of developments. The college national championship will also be covered.
10 More Classic Novels Under 200 Pages: All available for download in PDF form to keep idleguy.com readers the most literate on the planet.
idleguy.com Prospectus: While SEC rules prohibit any offers, advertisement, or solicitation, there's nothing preventing idleguy.com from presenting its prospectus to the public, so we intend to do so.
Accidental Farmer Talks Compost: How to make it, how to keep it, how to use it and why composting is a must for sustainable living.
Chicken Cacciatore: Authentic Sicilian recipe used by Salvatore Gagliano. You won't want to miss this.
How Much Money?: A query on this month's IdleGuy Advisor got us thinking. Is there really a way to avoid running out of money in retirement, and what is retirement, anyway?
The 2024 Sanity Test: With a new year comes new challenges to the sensibilitites. The infamous Downtown Magazine Sanity Test re-emerges from a deep slumber.
PLUS - more IdleGals, more films, more videos, more music, and maybe even a live broadcast. Stay tuned. IdleGuy.com is on the move.