Untitled FASTPAGES: 1. Cover \ 2. From the Publisher's Desk \ 3. Contents /Credits \ 4. Calendar \ 5. State of the World \ 6. Feature \ 7. Sports \ 7a. Sports Extra \ 8. Money \ 9. Food & Drink \ 10. Books \ 11. Public Domain / Toast of the Town \ 12. Back Page \ Daily Idler \ Home \ idleguy.com August 2024 | Page 8

Lifetime Supplies

In the never-ending quest for financial security and prosperity, an often overlooked concept is that of procuring lifetime supplies of essential - or maybe even non-essential - items.

This is a practice that should be started when young, though, as hoarders worldwide will testify, it's never too late to begin.

The advantage of lifetime supplies are that you never need to purchase these mundane items ever again. You've got all you need, for the rest of your life.

A few things can be scratched off the list right away as being incapable of being stored over long periods of time, like 50 to 60 years. The first is food, though some of the latest survival food packages boast freshness for up to as many as 40 years. Now, that may be nice to consider, but what those fast-frozen, zip-locked meals are going to taste like in 2065 is anybody's guess. Still, it may not be a bad idea to sock away a few weeks worth of nutrition in case of emergency, like natural disasters or power outages.

Generally speaking, however, food is not something of which one could put away a lifetime supply. Humans eat quite a bit, and quite regularly. A lifetime supply of just canned green beans, for instance, considering one can a week for 50 years would amount to 2,500 cans. At roughly 14.5 ounces per can, that's 2,265 pounds of beans, and that's not including the cans themselves. And that's just green beans. Better to invest in can openers. At most, a person could use about 10 in a lifetime and rest assured that whatever cans need to be opened, at whatever date, the tool will be there to get it done. So, 10 can openers, check. Also, double-check on silverware, dishes, cups, and cloth napkins. You will always need those.

And while you're at it, pots and pans of durable quality are always going to be necessary, unless you're rich enough to eat out all the time - along with they caveat that doing so will also ensure that you die young - so, a good set of kitchenware and food preparation tools are things you can purchase well before they ever need to be used, or used all the time, like a good iron skillet. Things like spatulas, tongs, peelers, knives, cutting boards, ladles, and strainers are indispensable in the kitchen today and likely for years to come.

Kitchen tools brings up the idea of handyman tools as well. Nowadays, people are mostly using power tools, but, what if the grid is down? You can't recharge batteries without electricity, so, investing in a couple of essential tool kits, including actual hand-held hammers, pliers, screwdrivers, saws, wrenches, and a few good toolboxes might not be a bad idea. Old tools are good tools. Tools made prior to 1970 were made to last. These can be procured at flea markets, garage sales, or from friends or family for a fraction of what new ones cost today.

The same goes for cleaning. Mops, brooms, brushes, scrubbers, cloths, buckets, even some cleaning solutions, like powdered cleanser - that canister of Bon-Ami purchased in 1955 still does the job! - will probably outlast you and maybe your kids. Next time you've got some funny money burning a hole in your pocket, rather than buying a stock option or mutual fund, how about heading to the discount store and picking up two or three brooms, mops, and buckets? Nothing wrong with keeping things clean, forever.

That's the beauty of lifetime supplies. Purchasing once, and never again, takes inflation right out of the equation. A $5 hammer bought at a garage sale is $5 in today's money, not $30 in 2045 money.

Books are also something one can easily stored keep safe for many long years. While novels are nice, casual reading can't replace the knowledge in 'how-to" books covering everything from basic carpentry and electricity to cookbooks, a handy bar guide and maybe some arts and craft idea books.

The list goes on and on. Disposable razors, purchased today and kept in their plastic containers, will probably be good for 20-30 years. Combs, brushes, nail clippers and other personal care items can also be put away for safe keeping. Paper, in many forms, be it bags, toilet variety, newspapers, or writing paper, will last for a very long time, given proper storage. At the very least, newspaper is great for starting a wood fire, whether it's for heating or firing up coals on the grill. Speaking of which, an outdoor grill, like a Char-Broil or Weber, or even some of the newer, pricier models, can't be beat for cooking in a pinch. Charcoal lasts years; lighter fluid, decades.

There is one food that will last indefinitely: honey. For a long-lasting supply, one could become a bee-keeper, at least on a part-time basis, though that's not an occupation for the faint-hearted.

So, you see, when it comes to investing, it's not just about ROI or adding to your 401k. Buying now and not paying later is as sound an investing idea as buying gold or silver coins and bars and just putting them in a shoebox, under the floor, or in a safe, and probably a lot more practical.

An added bonus is that the closer one gets to the end of life - which could be any time, as we all know - the easier it gets. Things that may have a useful life of 10-20 years can be considered if you're already 50 or 60-plus. It's just like planning the refreshments for a good party. The key is to never run out.

Finally, if you desire to have lifetime supplies of the basics for survival, a plot of land anywhere from 10 to 40 acres should suffice, given it has a water source (stream, pond, spring), trees, and some arable land. That way, you'll have enough wood to build a house, a plentiful water supply, and a place to grow vegetables or for cattle, sheep, goats, or other livestock to graze.

In the final analysis nothing beats land for long-term, possibly lifetime, security. Like they say, they aren't making any more of it, so grab some if you can and live the good life.

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Posted by A Comrade of Proven Worth - (with permission) comment, July 16, 2024

The dollar became the world reserve currency back when America was 90% white, as well as being the world's economic manufacturing powerhouse and a military superpower that the Gulf Arabs implicitly trusted to safeguard them against threats from the Soviet Union, and later, Iran. We were also a high-trust society with institutions of governance that by and large functioned as intended. Our cities were the envy of the world, along with our infrastructure and university system.

Now flash forward to today. Our former Constitutional Republic has become a rapacious oligarchy, presided over by a corrupt, on-the-take uni-party beholden only to its globalist oligarch and corporate patrons. We have a fraudulently installed dementia patient as our so-called head of state, who merely slurs the script written for him by our unelected rulers at BlackRock & Vanguard. Literally every member of the uni-party is assigned an AIPAC minder - unregistered foreign agents for the State of Israel - who tells them how to vote, while they collect their 30 pieces of silver from the Cabal for selling out their notional "constituents."

The proportion of the white population has plummeted to barely 50%, thanks to globalist open borders and Great Replacement immigration policies.

As a nation, we are $35 trillion in debt, with our captured, feckless unparty rubber-stamping the Biden regime's profligate deficit spending and the gold collar criminals at the Fed flooding the financial system with trillions in created-out-of-thin-air fiat currency, stealing value from every honestly earned dollar in existence and pauperizing the middle and working classes with the destruction of their purchasing power.

Our institutions of governance have been subverted by Democrat-Bolshevik collectivists who share their globalist bankrollers' antipathy for the Constitution and Heritage America, as well as the Christian faith practiced by millions of Americans. Our former high-trust society has given way to systemic fraud, corruption, and grift, with the biggest criminals of all walking the corridors of power in Washington D.C., as our corrupt DoJ and FBI give them legal top cover.

Our "woke," feminized, DEI military inspires neither fear nor respect from allies or adversaries alike.

Democrat-Bolshevik mal-governance has turned our once-great cities into Doom Loops, where Soros DAs, Wakanda judicial officials, and DEI policing has given free rein to the criminal element to caper with impunity. The hordes of Democrat-on-Arrival dependency voters and criminal invaders flooding in across our open borders have no allegiance to our heritage and traditions, much like their Democrat accessories and enablers.

The conservative Gulf Arabs who acceded to the petrodollar being the world reserve currency must be privately appalled by the degeneracy and perversion the Biden regime is promoting, and our societal decay, and are now selling their oil priced in currencies such as the yuan and rupee.

In short, the dollar's days as world reserve currency are numbered. When producer nations start demanding physical gold, rather than debauched Yellen Bux backed by nothing, for their goods and services, it's Game Over for the Fed's fiat currency fraud, as the resultant hyperinflation will lead to social unrest or worse. Got gold? Got silver? Got lead & brass?

"It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act/Social Security Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent." H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress in session, June 5, 1933.

Joint Resolution to Suspend the Gold Standard and Abrogate. "The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments, and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only."United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1933 Vol. 33."

Untitled FASTPAGES: 1. Cover \ 2. From the Publisher's Desk \ 3. Contents /Credits \ 4. Calendar \ 5. State of the World \ 6. Feature \ 7. Sports \ 7a. Sports Extra \ 8. Money \ 9. Food & Drink \ 10. Books \ 11. Public Domain / Toast of the Town \ 12. Back Page \ Daily Idler \ Home \ | idleguy.com August 2024 | Page 8