Untitled FASTPAGES: 1. Cover \ 2. From the Publisher's Desk \ 3. Contents /Credits \ 4. Calendar \ 5. State of the World \ 6. Feature \ 7. Sports \ 7a. Sports Extra \ 8. Money \ 9. Food & Drink \ 10. Books \ 11. Public Domain / Toast of the Town \ 12. Back Page \ Daily Idler \ Home \ idleguy.com August 2024 | Page 5
State of the World

Trump Should Win in November

The world looks different depending upon who you are, what you're doing and where you live.

An examination of the upcoming U.S. presidential election is in order.

To Joe Biden, the world is some kind of unimaginable place, if he's even still alive. He's not even remotely part of the political picture any more. Even though he's technically still the president, he doesn't seem to be vary active, making any decisions, or even showing up.

There's a very good chance that Joe Biden is dead and that the deep-staters who've been running the country the past 4, 10, 30, 60 years (take your pick) are covering it up, using a stand-in who's at least three inches taller than the Joe Biden pre-July 21, when he supposedly announced that he wouldn't be seeking a second term via a very shoddy and likely completely fake posting on X that wasn't written on White House stationary and had a signature that looked suspiciously like a forgery.

So, OK, old Joe's out. It would be nice to know that he's dead and buried, which seems to be the case.

To Kamala Harris, the world is a big fat oyster. All of a sudden, everybody loves her, including the doofus biddies on "The View." Of the few actual skills Kamala Harris does possess, one of them seems to be the ability to speak in tongues, a la the old testament, or maybe she speaks in circles, which her arguments for or against just about any damn thing seems to suggest.

Generally speaking, Kamala Harris should never be president of anything higher up than maybe a sewing circle, or a circle jerk club, or, well, if she actually remains the DNC's mistress-in-waiting for the presidency and finds herself in the winner's circle come November 6, or 7, or 10, or whenever the people who matter the most finish counting the votes, well, forget about future columns on the state of the world. There won't be much left of it.

To Donald J. Trump, the world is a complex mystery which he is trying to solve. Ever since he descended from Trump tower in 2015 to announce his candidacy for president of the United States, he's been seeking solutions. His first term, though completely clouded by bad choices from a pool of bad people as advisors and relentless attacks from Democrats, leftists, columnists, the media, courts, and impeachment proceedings - twice - was not too bad. Trump managed, miraculously, to improve America's standing in the world, establish the country as energy-independent, shut down the border, and bring back some faith in the system.

What happened on the way to his second term in 2020 was a concerted effort to undermine the constitution and the entire electoral process of the United State, and, it worked. The powers behind the "Big Steal" managed to keep Mr. Trump away from the Oval Office. While they thought that might have been good enough, and maybe a permanent fix, they underestimated the resolve and stamina of Donald J. Trump, who waited, and watched, than seized upon the opportunity to announce another bid for the White House, to "Make America Great Again", despite having to defend himself against a slurry of specious lawsuits foisted upon him and his associates.

There are numerous obstacles in his way still, but, it's fairly plain to see that certain people would rather he leave the public stage, either by choice, coercion, or, as was the case on July 13, in Butler, Pennsylvania, by death.

There are probably 100-150 million Americans who want Trump to be president again. That number is not probably inaccurate. Of that number, however, maybe 20% of them aren't eligible to vote, either by age of status, and, of the rest, maybe 60-70% of them will actually head to a polling place - or mail in - and vote for him in the weeks leading up to November 5th, which is the actual election "day" in America, so, it is entirely conceivable that Donald J. Trump could win the election with more than 80-90 million votes and an electoral college triumph of maybe 350-450 of the 538 electors from the various states.

If the votes were to be counted correctly, as they weren't in 2020, there's a possibility that Trump could win states like California and New York, and maybe even leftist strongholds like Massachusetts and Connecticut. After all, in 1984, Ronald Reagan won re-election in a landslide victory, carrying 525 electoral votes, 49 states, and 58.8% of the popular vote. His opponent, Walter Mondale won 13 electoral votes, 10 of which were from his home state of Minnesota, the other three from that bastion of "democracy" and debauchery, Washington, D.C.

However, the voting process in the United States has long been broken, contorted, perverted, and torn apart. That's been a concerted, ongoing effort since JFK was gunned down in Dallas in 1963. The people who are supposed to be "running the country", those 535 representatives and senators in the U.S. congress are obviously complicit in the destruction of the electoral system. After the debacle in 2020, there wasn't a single piece of legislation, barely a peep, about reforming or correcting the system. It's how they want it, capable of rigging the outcome of presidential and congressional elections to suit their needs.

If anything needs fixing, it's the U.S. congress. Their approval rating, in poll after poll for the past 40 years, hasn't broken above 40% except for a few brief times between 1997 and 2004. It's currently 16% with the median mark around 20% since 2006. It's not without reason that most of the people in the U.S.A. don't approve of the job its elected representatives are doing. They haven't enacted any legislation that benefits the average working person in decades and nobody expects them to do so anytime soon.

Thus, it stands to reason that for all the good it might do the country, for all the support and huge rallies that Donald J. Trump's candidacy affects, and despite the likely more than 100 million or more voting age people who support him, there's a good chance he will lose again and Americans are not prepared for that.

If, by hook, crook, or any other devious means to which the deniers of democracy might avail themselves, the White House remains in control of the Democrat party, be it President Kamala or otherwise, the country will be further diminished and divided, possibly breaking apart into regional factions, with more violent repercussions than have been experienced to date.

Anybody with a half ounce of common sense wants to see Trump back in the White House. Thinking people know that the system is crooked, undermined by both parties, and corrupt to the core. Their hope is that Trump, as president, can hold back the tide of perfidy, at least for four years, and maybe usher in an era of honesty and reliability in government.

If he does win, there's hope.

If he doesn't, there's none.


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Untitled FASTPAGES: 1. Cover \ 2. From the Publisher's Desk \ 3. Contents /Credits \ 4. Calendar \ 5. State of the World \ 6. Feature \ 7. Sports \ 7a. Sports Extra \ 8. Money \ 9. Food & Drink \ 10. Books \ 11. Public Domain / Toast of the Town \ 12. Back Page \ Daily Idler \ Home \ | idleguy.com August 2024 | Page 5