Untitled FASTPAGES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | idleguy.com October 2023 | Page 3


1 This is the cover page. At some point, the name of our cover model was known, but as time progressed, it was lost. If you know who she is, tell her we love her. She's the perfect Halloween treat.

2 Much was said, little accomplished as the BETA issue became reality.

3 You are HERE.

4 This month's advice was really top notch. Opinion on Ukraine, disinformation, and what a jock can do about his overactive lover.

5 Eventually, Fearless Rick answered every question, but there seems to be more he's not telling.

6 Baseball is still wonderful.

7 Ah, yes, ladies in masquerade. Some even conjured from AI. Can you tell?

8 More women with little to no clothing attached, looking to make some tricky treating.

9 More IdleGals. OK, that's enough for this month!

10 The BRICS will rule the world, especially now that there's soon to be six more of them.

11 Who said that? We'll never tell.

12 Guy de Maupassant, the 19th century master of the short story and the bawd.

13 Tired of reading? Here's 10 of the 50 books we found under 200 pages.

Playboy Back Issues
at Downtown Magazine


Untitled FASTPAGES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | idleguy.com October 2023 | Page 3