50 books under 200 pages
There was this interesting article about 50 great classic novels under 200 pages. It was quite an impressive list.
The author may have had a little bias in her selections, but, the books are eclectic choices, most well derserving of a good read.
Doing a little bit of a search for a few of the titles, a most excellent site was discovered. Oceanofpdf had all of the titles in PDF form.
I downloaded them to idleguy.com for the pleasure of our readers.
Here are the first ten:
The Invention of Morel
Of Mice and Men
Animal Farm
The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Postman Always Rings Twice
For anybody not familiar with the existentialist style of Camus, this is a must read, after which, in case you're still suffering from post-covid blues, "The Plague" is highly recommended. A contemporary of Jean Paul Sartre, Camus' prose leaves one in a state of suspended apprehension, similar to the effect of a work by Franz Kafka. The "Stranger" is quite possibly the greatest book to read in one sitting of all time.
Pedro Paramo
The Cloven Viscount
Playboy Back Issues at Downtown Magazine
www.dtmagazine.com Eventually, these and the other 40 books on the list will be added permanently to the idleguy.com library, which will be password protected and available to subscribers only. An annual subscription is going to be quite reasonable, something along the lines of like $10-12. Like everything else around here, it's a work in progress. |