Untitled FASTPAGES: 1. Cover \ 2. Prelude / Publisher's Desk \ 3. Contents \ 4. Calendar \ 5. Books \ 6. Super Bowl Theories and Picks \ 7. Super Bowl Quiz \ Daily Idler \ Home \ idleguy.com February 2024 | Page 3
A peek inside

1. Cover- borrowed from somewhere on the web, our cover evokes a cozy winter theme.

2. Prelude/Publisher's Desk - why the NFL doesn't want company reps to say Super Bowl. Fearless Rick examines his inner Hefner or lack thereof and the current moral climate as compared to the 1950s.

3. Contents - You are here.

4. Calendar -updated with events of interest.

5. Books - 10 more classic novels under 100 pages includes Fat City, The Great Gatsby, and Breakfast at Tiffiany's. In case those don't keep you entertained, there are seven more titles available and 30 more in the idleguy.com library.

6. Super Bowl Theories and Picks - Is Patrick Mahomes from another planet? Are the Swifites going to get their dream ending? Fearless Rick explores various ideas swirling around the NFL's ultimate contest.

7. Super Bowl Quiz - Seriously, if you get all 12 questions right, you're either a football expert or just somebody with far too much time on his hands.




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Untitled FASTPAGES: 1. Cover \ 2. Prelude / Publisher's Desk \ 3. Contents \ 4. Calendar \ 5. Books \ 6. Super Bowl Theories and Picks \ 7. Super Bowl Quiz \ Daily Idler \ Home \ | idleguy.com February 2024 | Page 3