Untitled FASTPAGES: 1. Cover \ 2. From the Publisher's Desk \ 3. Contents /Credits \ 4. Calendar \ 5. State of the World \ 6. Feature \ 7. Sports \ 7a. Sports Extra \ 8. Money \ 9. Food & Drink \ 10. Books \ 11. Public Domain / Toast of the Town \ 12. Back Page \ Daily Idler \ Home \ idleguy.com January 2025 | Page 3

Let's Get It Right in 2025

1. Cover - Pop the corks, it's a New Year. 2024 was memorable, but 2025 promises to be full of surprises in the political and social realms. IdleGuy.com celebrates with new articles and features.

2. From the Publisher's Desk - This month's editorial concerns itself with New Year's resolutions: why we make them and why most of us can't keep them. In the sidebar, Fearless Rick finds himself in a Winter of Heat.

3. Contents /Credits - As always, you are here. At some point, the credits will show that the IdleGuy.com staff will include more than just one person, but not this month.

4. Calendar - Lots of football and hoops in the calendar of events, expanding to feature shows, holidays, and special events. Golf, anyone?

5. State of the World - The annual look back at the year just past in IdleGuy.com fashion, by the letters of the alphabet. Did you know that "abecedarian" is an actual word? Go ahead, look it up.

6. Feature - a continuation of The Year in Review and the IdleGuy.com Person of the Year.

7. SportsWeekly NFL picks by Fearless Rick and Coin Flip every week, updated, plus picks on the semifinals and finals of the College Football Playoff (CFP)

7a. Sports Extra - Updated daily, Sports Extra will feature the College Basketball Player of the Day, highlighting the stars of the hardwood.

8. Money - Up or down in 2025? A look at some of Wall Street's projections for stocks and some rationale covering how the "experts" might not be right this year.

9. Food & Drink - After the holdiay binging, there are more than just a few people looking to slim down, get i better shape and live a better lifestyle. IdleGuy.com offers some insight on healthy diets that don't involve pills or injections and why the right foods matter.

10. Books - Nine books that Elon Musk has read. Since he's the richest person in the world, maybe it might be a good idea to see what he reads in the quieter moments. These are blockbusters, avaialable for download in the idleguy.com library.

11. Public Domain / Toast of the Town - A short story by Mark Twain makes an appearance. Something about trying to spend big bills.

12. Back Page - Looking ahead to the February issue.

Daily Idler - Portal page with links to back issues, news sites, beer, financial info, daily crossword puzzle, sudoku, and a daily quiz, plus all kinds of other neat things.

Home - Our founder's page with a gallery of all back issues, even those from the test phase.

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Your ad could be in the next issue of idleguy.com for as little as $6 per month. Contact Fearless Rick using the form on page 12 for more information.


Publisher: (Fearless) Rick Gagliano

Advisors: Napoleon Hill, Woody Allen, Peter Schiff

Graphics: Some created in house, with refinements. Most are adaptations from various places on the internet.

Photography: Maybe, sometimes.

Everything Else: Fearless Rick (FR)

Distribution: The Internet

Advertising Sales: Now using AdPlugg service. Ads on idleguy.com are inexpensive. $6 a month, anybody?

Dedication: This month's issue is dedicated to Jimmy Carter.

Copyright January 2025, Volume 2, #1, idleguy.com, Downtown Magazine Inc. All rights reserved.

IdleGuy.com is a fully owned subsidiary of Downtown Magazine Inc. Further information can be found at the websites: idleguy.com and dtmagazine.com. All information contained maight be in compliance with the laws of the United States of America, those that are actually constitutional. Readers will hold harmless Downtown Magazine Inc., its officers and employees from any damages arising from the perusal and use of this website.

Offices are maintained somewhere in Tennesse. Our phone number is none of your business. Contact can be made via email using the contact form on page 12 of this issue or on the contact pages of the respective websites.

Untitled FASTPAGES: 1. Cover \ 2. From the Publisher's Desk \ 3. Contents /Credits \ 4. Calendar \ 5. State of the World \ 6. Feature \ 7. Sports \ 7a. Sports Extra \ 8. Money \ 9. Food & Drink \ 10. Books \ 11. Public Domain / Toast of the Town \ 12. Back Page \ Daily Idler \ Home \ | idleguy.com January 2025 | Page 3