Proceeding With or Without a Plan
By the time this piece is a few days old - around November 5 - the small matter of electing the president of the United States of America will probably not be resolved. A couple of states, Pennsylvania and Georgia in particular, maybe Michigan, likely Arizona, have already said that they would not be able to verify election results for a few days.
That's a problem because Americans have endured nearly eight years - since Donald Trump won in 2016 - of non-stop bullshit from the left, certain members of the Democrat Party and some Republicans (looking at you, Lindsay Graham), and almost all of the mainstream media, and we've had enough.
It's gotten to the point that people are comparing Trump to Hitler, calling him a fascist, a racist, after the Kamala Harris campaign has been trying to demonize him and blame him for all the problems - from immigration to inflation and the war in Ukraine - that they created themselves. This is after they tried to assassinate him twice, though being inept fools overwhelmed by their own sense of infallibility, failed miserably both times.
A week out from the election is when I'm putting this down, and the craziness is beginning to ramp up to previously unsuspected levels. Democrats and media people sense a Trump victory is incoming and they're losing their minds over it, like it would be the end of the world or something even worse.
They'll tell you that they can't certify the election for whatever reason (riots, Trump is a threat to democracy, etc).
Then they'll declare martial law before January 20th 2025 and say that Kamala is Prez until they get it all sorted out.
Then they start arresting people for questioning the election process or any Democrat talking points.
The level of confusion and uncertainty has taken its toll on everybody and it needs to stop, though I doubt it will. So, I have made plans depending upon which result is thrust upon us.
So, I thought I'd make contingency plans depending on who wins the election and even if nobody wins, the infighting, political wrangling, and lawsuits drag on past January 6, even past January 20 and/or martial law is enacted.
If Trump Wins...
I'm likely to stay right where I am in the ultra-red state of Tennessee because the economy and society will return to some degree of normalcy. Politics will consist of Democrats trying to find impeachable offenses, again, and again and the media will consistently report that Trump is trying to become a dictator, all of which can be easily ignored.
I'll be able to continue doing business as I please without fear of political repercussions, although Google is likely to still suck, maybe even more so, and they will continue to shadow ban me, the MIC will keep trying to start wars, but leftists, communists, and Democrats will be wiping their tears well into 2025.
If Kamala wins...
My first impulse is to leave the country. As an old, white guy with a decidedly conservative bent, I'll be a marked man for groups like ANTIFA and BLM. I would prefer not to leave, but places like Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and maybe Uruguay are looking better and better.
Delving deeper into what may evolve under a president Kammie, there's the distinct possibility that World War III would be a feature of her reign of terror, making all of the aforementioned locales, other than Uruguay, probably a bit less welcoming to Americans and possibly under military assault.
Business-wise, I would have to start selling everything I own and likely shut down If the deep state would go so far as to steal another election, this time with a candidate that's actually worse than Joe Biden, there's no telling how bad things could get in this country. By 2026 at the latest, we'd probably get nuked or at least be embroiled in some major conflict with Russia, Iran, China, North Korea or maybe all of them.
If nobody wins...
Well, under martial law, I probably wouldn't have much choice about anything, so, if I would be able to, I'd start selling everything, cease publication of and probably take down, go dark.
Under martial law, which I've never experienced, I would imagine it being worse than the pandemic bunk, with travel restrictions, curfews, possibly even rationing. The big cities would likely be burning, with riots becoming regular occurrences. How long might martial law last? Probably not more than three or four months before the shooting would start, ushering in an overdue civil war.
So, in the ultimate "Mad Max" scenario, I'd resort to being a renegade of sorts, especially if they cut me off from smokes and booze. I'd probably not be alone, either. There would be plenty of very pissed off people.
At the end of the day, Trump better win because I don't like the alternatives.
From the "Things We'd Like to See" depatment, a la Mad magazine:
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