Untitled FASTPAGES: 1. Cover \ 2. From the Publisher's Desk \ 3. Contents /Credits \ 4. Calendar \ 5. State of the World \ 6. Feature \ 7. Sports \ 8. Money \ 9. Food & Drink \ 10. Books \ 11. Public Domain / Toast of the Town \ 12. Back Page \ Daily Idler \ Home \ idleguy.com June 2024 | Page 9
Food & Drink

Grilling Time!

Come June 20, it's officially Summer, which can only mean it's time to invite friends (or family, if so inclined) over to the lanai, patio or deck, fire up the grill, and get the Summertime party started.

Committed to excellence in all group gatherings, IdleGuy.com offers some timeless insights into the fine art of outdoor entertaining and provides suggestions to make your experience one which will entrap your guests and make you the "host with the most."

First, and foremost, there has to be ample space and areas in which guests can mingle, relax, engage without bother. That means you must prepare your party area in advance with requisite anti-bug and pest controls. The downfall of any gathering will occur if flies, bugs, or, the dreaded mosquito interrupts the proceedings. As outdoor areas and ample food and drink make ideal conditions for pest invasions, precautions are necessary.

One of the best solutions for pest control are commercially available products that are - in the main - environmentally, human, and pet-friendly. You don't want to be spraying Round-up on your lawn or patio. Monsanto products are definitely on the "No Fugging Way" list.

IdleGuy.com has found that among the best pre-treatment for lawns and outdoor areas are products made under the Wondercide name. Founded by Stephanie Boone, these plant-based products have been proven safe for pets and effective in a wide variety of conditions.

For insect repellant during the festivities, there are bug zappers that have proven themselves worthy. Your local hardware store or Home Depot should have a solid selection on hand for coverage from a small deck to entire back yards.

There's always citronella torches and candles for mosquito protection, a must if you plan to party into the evening hours. A big plus is that the torches add some Polynesian ambiance to the affair.

The Mojito, a Cuban punch, is a cocktail traditionally made with five ingredients: white rum, sugar (sugar cane juice), lime juice, soda water, and mint. You can find recipes online to make a punchbowl full or conjure them up on demand.

Moscow mule: 9 parts vodka, 2 parts lime juice, 24 parts ginger beer (substituting Ginger Ale works to some degree)
Standard garnish: Lime Slice
Standard drinkware: copper mug
Preparation: Combine vodka and ginger beer in a highball glass filled with ice. Add lime juice. Stir gently. Garnish with a lime wedge and a sprig of mint.

This is an ongoing story. Updates to follow after June 20.

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Untitled FASTPAGES: 1. Cover \ 2. From the Publisher's Desk \ 3. Contents /Credits \ 4. Calendar \ 5. State of the World \ 6. Feature \ 7. Sports \ 8. Money \ 9. Food & Drink \ 10. Books \ 11. Public Domain / Toast of the Town \ 12. Back Page \ Daily Idler \ Home \ | idleguy.com June 2024 | Page 9