June 2024
1. Cover - This month's cover was intended to highlight some of the main features of June's output. Done entirely in HTML format rather than the usual jpg-style, it offers perspective on what idleguy.com is all about.
4. Calendar - the calendar gets better every month, but still would be better if a person was in charge of updating it on a regular basis. It's gradually expanding and improving.
5. State of the World - Big issues, big countries,
6. Feature - We're on to Ben Kohn Hates Bunnies, Part Four, as PLBY Group continues the dismantling of the Hefner empire and the complete deplatforming of the Playboy brand.
8. Money - A review of the best assets to own, year-to-date, including stocks, commodities, precious metals, and a few oddities.
10. Books - We've added three classics this month to the idleguy.com library. F.A. Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom", Henry Miller's "Tropic of Cancer", and Jean Paul Sartre's "The Age of Reason".
11. Public Domain / Toast of the Town - A special treat this month to offer a short by Kurt Vonnegut and our unusual selection of offbeat quotes in the Toast of the Town.
12. Back Page - A preview of the July issue and contact form.
The Fine Print
Publisher: (Fearless) Rick Gagliano
Advisors: Thomas Edison, Napoleon Hill, George Washington, Suki, the Queen of Sheba, Shelby, Sophie, Xena, Jungle Queen.
Graphics: Some created in house, with refinements. Most come from various places around the internet.
Special Assistant Supreme War Overlord: This is a job vacancy. Qualifications include surliness, smug, condescending attitude, ability to smite foes with bare hands or pole-axe, huge ego, a fondness for ales and gals. Soy Bois, Flamers, and Metro-sexuals need not apply. Salary Range: $0.00/lifetime.
Photography: Too many to mention, plus Fearless Rick.
Everything Else: Fearless Rick (FR)
Distribution: The Internet
Advertising Sales: Working on it. Installed Revive Adserver 3/25 and continue testing.
Dedication: This month's issue is dedicated toHugh Hefner, may he rest in peace.
Copyright April/May 2024, all rights reserved.
IdleGuy.com is a fully owned subsidiary of Downtown Magazine Inc. Further information can be found at the websites: idleguy.com and www.dtmagazine.com. All information contained within has been gathered in full compliance with the laws of the United States of America and maybe a few obscure countries in Micronesia. Rumors about the operation moving to Malaysia have been grossly misrepresented. Readers will hold harmless Downtown Magazine, its officers and employees from any damages arising from the perusal and use of this website or anything else.
Offices are maintained somewhere in Tennesse. Our phone number is none of your business. Contact can be made via email using the contact form on page 10 of this issue or on the contact pages of the respective websites.
Any association with Playboy magazine is purely unintentional as neither IdleGuy.com nor Downtown Magazine has any business relationship with the current management of PLBY Group or any other owners or managers of same. Since the current management of PLBY Group has shown little interest in publishing a men's magazine, we thought we might give it a whirl and hope you enjoy it.
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Your ad could be in the next issue of idleguy.com for as little as $6 per month. Contact Fearless Rick using the form on page 12 for more information.