There's No Going Back Now
Maybe it's an internet thing or trying to shake off old habits, but these days people don't cotton much to preachifying and/or facts. They prefer to be fed junk journalism, fake news, stuff that fits their selected narrative for realism, so I thought I'd give it a try and just Jack Kerouac stream-of-conscious wing it.
How am i doing? Please register your approval by tapping your phone on your forehead. Thank you.
This month's desk remittal isn't about anything in particular, just observations along the avenue of our changing world. Usually, I write in third person, hiding my true feelings behind a wall of stultification and supposed good intentions. Not today. Having witnessed the whirlwind theatrics of President Trump and Elon Musk, I think this is where the world is headed, toward a future without boundaries, bathed in the glow of judiciousness and spontenaity. Thank goodness for spell check.
AI has yet to leave a mark on society, business, or just about anything of value. As far as I can tell, it's only good if you're stupid and only then when you are communicating with dopes. I regard my readers in a much more enlightened aura, so I don't use it. At. All. NO.
As anybody paying even a little attention has noticed, there are massive changes being levied on the global village. War is out, peace is in, theft and corruption that took root with Bill Clinton and George W. Bush's trickle-down morality (I coined that phrase, BTW) are being rooted out in every corner office, cubicle, and workspace in Washington, D.C. This is very, very exciting and good news. There's hope that the DOGE effect will make its way down to state and local levels, where the rot and waste and corruption is probably engrained to an even deeper and more pervasive degree.
Paying taxes, worse yet, having to fill out forms and calculate things to pay for somebody else to take your money is a disgusting habit forced upon people by thieves and con artists. People really like to get something for their money. As far as government goes, paying taxes to them gets little if any benefit, and more often than not, a kick to the groin for your painstaking record-keeping.
Once upon a time, a colleague, who will remain anonymous, and I put together a list of the worst kinds of people. This was back in antiquity, circa 1985. We agreed that politicians ranked below preachers, pimps and pedophiles, I forget which order, but politicians were at the bottom of the pile. We were younger then, but no less perceptive. Oddly enough, when we parted company, he opted for politics, I for journalism. We haven't talked in decades.
Giving journalism a bad name has been the chief function of mainstream media the past 20 or 30 years and they've managed to so tarnish a once-honorable profession that there may not be any coming back from the damage they've incurred. Completely enmeshed with the "intelligence community", journalists have become little more than blow horns for ideologies, most of them evil and of the neocon variety. I can say honestly I've never been approached by these nefarious criminals and I have bank statements to prove it (I'm not rich). I'm far better off keeping my integrity than losing it for the sake of security or money or positions I do not support.
I'm going to remain that way.
Something that caught my attention recently was this scare-mongering from the Daily Mail about a virus in China that is supposedly deadly. The article was released right after European stock bourses closed for the week on Friday, February 21, while U.S. markets were still trading.
Some cretins of the financial press tried to pawn this story off as a reason for markets tanking, but I wasn't and still am not buying it. The whole thing reeks of European desperation over Trump trying to declare peace in Ukraine while the autocrats in Brussels, Paris, Berlin and London need the war to continue. Nothing like a global pandemic to stick it to those peaceniks. It's horrible.
Here's a link to the article and below a graphic that was part and parcel of the story. Are they serious? It appears the "scientists" at the Wuhan Virology Lab was looking into this very thing, seeking the black death, the plague. Sick, perverse, and worthy of investigations, arrests, trials and worse.
It's not going to work this time. They don't even have a single case of Pangolin-or-bat-to-human transmission. The Bat Signal has been sighted. Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates are on alert. Fck them. I'm out.
Maybe Pim Jacobs and Astrud Gilberto below can smooth out some of the rough edges.
Next month: How to Hate Friends and Influence Enemies, a long-overdue rebuttal to Dale Carnegie's school of thought and tribute to Sun Tzu.
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